Forms Below is a list of forms that you may need to submit to assist us in supporting your child: Forms Bond Payment Bond payment Child’s full nameChildcare centre Cheltenham Northmead WestmeadParent’s full nameEmailPayment amount for 2 weeks full bondPayment can be processed onBond Policy and Consent I have read and agree with the following Enrolment Bond Policy” As a condition of enrolment, families must pay a security bond of two week’s full fees for enrolled days. The bond will be refunded upon termination of enrolment if the child has been in care for 3 months or longer. Four weeks’ written notice is required to be given to the Director in writing when intending to withdraw your child from the Service or reducing/changing their days. During the period of 1 November through to 1 February each year an additional 4 weeks’ notice are required (ie: total 8 weeks) for withdrawal/reducing/changing days. Any bond held when a child leaves the Service will be refunded after four weeks from the child’s last week of attendance being submitted to CCMS. This period is required for CCMS to finalise the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) payments and for SEEC to process and refund the remaining credit. I give permission for Sydney Early Education Centres to deduct a one off payment from my Credit card/Direct debit account, via Debit Success the external debiting company for Sydney Early Education Centres. I have filled in the Direct Debit form with all of my details.Submit Form Cessation of Care Cessation of care Child’s full nameChildcare centre Cheltenham Northmead WestmeadLearning group enrolled inDays of attendanceCessation of care dateParent’s full nameEmailPhonePlease state the reason why you are terminating your child’s enrolmentCessation of Care Consent: In accordance with Sydney Early Education Centres Fees Policy, I hereby give the director 4 weeks’ notice (or during the period of 1 November through to 1 February, 8 week’s notice) of my child’s final day enrolled at the Centre.Submit Form Long Term Illness Notification Long term illness notification Child’s full nameChildcare centre Cheltenham Northmead WestmeadDate of birthPlease state the long term medical condition your child suffers fromMedical practitioner who diagnosed this conditionDate of medical diagnosisParent/guardian’s full namePhone/MobileEmailConsentIt is expected that there will be occasions when my child will be absent due to the condition, requiring medical attention or treatment at home as directed by the medical practitioner, without necessarily attending the surgery. I am aware that this statement can and will be used in calculating Child Care Subsidy (CCS) absences, and will be maintained for record keeping purposes.* I have read and agree with the above statement.Submit Form Long Term Medication Long term medication This form is for the purpose of authorising and recording the long term usage of medication at the centre. Child’s full nameChildcare centre Cheltenham Northmead WestmeadDate of birthMedication to be administeredDosage requiredMethod of AdministrationTime to be administeredFurther details (i.e. to be given with food, etc.)Expiry date of medicationAdditional instructions (if needed)Parent/guardian’s full namePhone/MobileEmailConsentI hereby agree that the above information is correct and authorise centre staff to administer the medication as detailed above. I understand that this form is applicable for a maximum period of 3 months (upon which a new form must be completed.) I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to inform the staff in writing should any of the above details change. The medication must be in its original packaging, clearly labelled and with dosage clearly stated. Staff cannot be held responsible for any reason caused by the administration of this medication.* I have read and agree with the above statement.Submit Form Medication Medication Child’s full nameChildcare centre Cheltenham Northmead WestmeadMedication to be administeredDate Medication StartsDate medication finishesTime to be AdministeredIf no specific time, please list the symptoms which indicate the need for medicationDate and time medication last administered:Dosage RequiredMethod of AdministrationAny additional instructions (i.e. to be given with food, etc.)Expiry Date of MedicationUpload doctor letterIf not a prescribed medication, the medication must be accompanied with a letter from the doctor.Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 8 MB.Choose File Prescribed medication authorisation consent: I authorise the administration of the above medication I have written in the ‘Name of medication (as labelled)’ field. I have read and agree with the following Medication policy: Staff will only administer recommended dosages, this includes asthma medications. Children with a temperature above 38 degrees are required to be cared for at home. Only prescription medication in its original container bearing the original label and before the expiry date will be administered. If not a prescribed medication, the medication must be accompanied with a letter from the doctor.* Parent/guardian’s full namePhone/MobileEmailSubmit Form Security Tag Security tag Child’s full nameChildcare centre Cheltenham Northmead WestmeadParent’s full nameEmailPhone/MobileNumber of tags requiredTotal payment amountPayment can be processed onSecurity tag policy and ConsentSydney Early Education Centres provides parents with a security tag for entry into your child’s Early Education Centre I agree to the following terms: The authorised persons listed on your child’s enrolment form are the only persons to use your security tags. If a tag is misplaced, stolen or lost you are to call the Centre immediately to inform staff that your tag has been misplaced, stolen or lost. Each family can have up to 3 tags per family. A $20.00 security deposit per tag is required. If your child’s ceases care at the Centre, all security tags are to be returned on their last day of care. If the security tags are not returned to the Centre your security deposit will be forfeited. For all misplaced, stolen or lost security tags, a charge of $20.00 will be added to your account for the deletion of the old tag and supply of the new tag. I give permission for Sydney Early Education Centres to deduct a one-off payment from my Credit card/Direct debit account, via Debit Success the external debiting company for Sydney Early Education Centres. I have filled in the Direct Debit form with all of my details.* I have read and agree with the above Payment consentSubmit Form