Our Environments
Sydney Early Education Centres is renowned for its beautiful, carefully planned, and natural environments where each child is inspired to explore, create, question and make meaning of the world. Our facilities include specialised Early Learning and Preschool Centres and cater for small groups of children. We provide environments that promote feelings of security, peace and harmony for the children, their families and our teams.
Award winning designs
Each centre is unique and has been architecturally and expertly designed to reflect its local community, environment, and heritage. Our team of architects, interior designers and playground specialists, under the guidance of our early childhood leadership team, have designed beautiful, natural, educational facilities. Both our indoor and outdoor learning environments have won design awards and been recognised by leading early childhood professionals and national authorities such as Kidsafe (Child Accident Prevention Foundation of Australia).
GOOD DESIGN AWARD® – 2022 Gold winner Architectural Design: Interior Design
KIDSAFE 2020 National Playspace Design Award – Highly Commended
Category 1B: Long Daycare
“Every environment implies a set of values or beliefs about the people who use a space and the activities that take place there”
Read about our environments featured in Pedagogy+ Magazine, Issue 13
‘When teachers and parents find themselves in environments that are beautiful, soothing, full of wonder and discovery, they feel intrigued, respected, and eager to spend their days living and learning in this place. Aren’t these the very feelings we want the children to have?’
Nature-inspired and sustainable environments
Our indoor learning environments have been designed and are inspired by our beautiful natural outdoor learning environments and local community, using biophilic design principles such as organic shapes, natural light, and earthy calming colours and tones. Sustainability and the impact on our environment are at the forefront of our design and choice of materials and suppliers. From the building materials, the plywood joinery, the floor coverings, the toys and equipment and, using recycled timber from existing buildings and trees on site, every aspect is carefully considered and sourced. Sky windows and screen doors throughout provide natural ventilation, reducing the impact on the environment as well as minimising cross-infection. Underfloor heating throughout targets the areas where the children and adults are and reduce the need for air-conditioning.
We believe these design principles and practices help to create environments in which our children and adults feel happier, healthier, creative, and inspired to learn.
Full of wonder and discovery
Our learning environments are created to inspire curiosity, imagination, challenge, enjoyment, and offer positive opportunities for social engagement. When you walk through our centres you will see children happily playing together and be engaged in learning experiences such as creating puppet shows together, investigating nature under microscopes, building clay sculptures, or navigating rock walls and child-made obstacle courses. Our learning environments remain consistent for children’s predictability and security, however, our spaces and experiences within them are for ever-evolving and the possibilities are endless.
Both our indoor and outdoor environments are designed to build on children’s skills and positive dispositions such as their independence, problem solving, resilience, self-confidence and social competence. From our early learning environments where we respect babies’ natural movements in safe spaces, to our toddler and preschool environments where more adventurous and healthy risky play opportunities are offered in an age-appropriate way.
Research has shown without healthy risk-taking play, children can develop poor evaluation of risk situations, underdeveloped motor skills, increased injury, and compromised health and development. Our goal is to find ways of managing the risks and for children to be a part of this problem-solving process.
Children flourish outdoors
At SEEC we value the importance of large, natural outdoor learning spaces that offer diverse and stimulating experiences for children. There is a growing body of research that suggests a link between brain development and large outdoor play spaces for young children. Studies have shown that opportunities for children to play in large outdoor play spaces not only improves their gross motor skill development and fitness, but also their cognitive skills and executive functions. The presence of natural elements like trees, plants, sand, dirt and water can enhance your child’s attention, creativity, problem-solving skills, spatial awareness, and symbolic play.
Outdoor play in large natural play spaces has also been linked to positive social-emotional outcomes for children. Our outdoor learning environments have been designed for children to play together in small groups, and the diverse experiences encourage social interaction, cooperation, turn-taking, and imaginative play. There are also spaces and opportunities for children to be ‘alone’ in nature, and experiences that foster emotional regulation and empathy. Research has shown that spending time in large nature-based outdoor playgrounds can lower cortisol levels (a stress hormone) and promote mental well-being in young children.
Looking for a place where your children can flourish? Enquire at one of our centres today.