
Below is a list of forms that you may need to submit to assist us in supporting your child:


Bond payment

Bond Policy and Consent

Cessation of care

Cessation of Care Consent:

Long term illness notification


It is expected that there will be occasions when my child will be absent due to the condition, requiring medical attention or treatment at home as directed by the medical practitioner, without necessarily attending the surgery.

I am aware that this statement can and will be used in calculating Child Care Subsidy (CCS) absences, and will be maintained for record keeping purposes.*

Long term medication
This form is for the purpose of authorising and recording the long term usage of medication at the centre.


I hereby agree that the above information is correct and authorise centre staff to administer the medication as detailed above.

I understand that this form is applicable for a maximum period of 3 months (upon which a new form must be completed.)

I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to inform the staff in writing should any of the above details change.

The medication must be in its original packaging, clearly labelled and with dosage clearly stated.

Staff cannot be held responsible for any reason caused by the administration of this medication.*


Upload doctor letter

If not a prescribed medication, the medication must be accompanied with a letter from the doctor.

Prescribed medication authorisation consent:

Security tag

Security tag policy and Consent

Sydney Early Education Centres provides parents with a security tag for entry into your child’s Early Education Centre